Our Commitment to Transformation

At Sol + Heart, we value change and transformation to cultivate a kinder, more peaceful, loving, & just world.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are some of our core values. In creating all of our programs & offerings, we seek to include & honor people of all cultural backgrounds, race, ages, gender identities, religions, and physical abilities.

Part of Sol + Heart's mission is to support smart, sensitive women who share the values of equity, justice, inclusion, diversity, and integrity in their work, businesses, and lives. In varying offerings, we seek to help clients & the Sol + Heart team become more aware of issues of white supremacy, patriarchy, internalized oppression, and social justice, so that they can be forces for good in the world.

Because we know that people often face socio-economic barriers to education, we offer scholarships in many of our programs to those who hold a marginalized identities, and those working in the fields of social & environmental justice.

Sol + Heart continues to learn and grow, and we are committed to personal and professional growth when it comes to supporting and honoring the experiences of diverse humans.

Sol + Heart also seeks to be environmentally conscious, and promote values that support growing consciousness around caring for our planet.

We value giving back to our community & our world. We donate at least 2% of profits to organizations addressing issues such as anti-oppression, homelessness & hunger, peace & conflict transformation, youth empowerment, environmental conservation, and restorative justice.